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Mini security camera with sd card, surveillance camera with memory card

Mini security camera with sd card, surveillance camera with memory card
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Mini security camera with SD Card, surveillance camera with memory card

Need a surveillance camera with SD card without fear of burglars discovering the mini camera? With the mini camera with SD card from KUUS. you are assured of razor-sharp images of unwanted visitors.

Images securely stored

Thanks to the SD card, the security camera saves images automatically, even without wifi. In addition, the mini camera automatically films when motion is detected. This is due to the built-in motion detection that the mini camera from KUUS. possesses.

Loop recording

The surveillance camera with SD card is never full, because a full memory card will erase the oldest security images from the card. This ensures that you can always keep filming and this is also called loop recording.

KUUS. C1 mini camera without internet

KUUS. C2 mini camera with internet

KUUS. Knowledge base Mini security camera with sd card, surveillance camera with memory card
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