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What is heart rate function and how does it work?

What is heart rate function and how does it work?
In this article

In our new KUUS. S2 watch includes a heart rate function. It can see the heart rate of the wearer of the watch, but how exactly does it work?

Functioning of the heart rate function

The watch contains small green LED lights that flash very quickly. This includes a small photo system that looks at how much green light is returned. This is because blood absorbs the green light.

When your heart is pumping, more blood passes through your veins, so less green light comes back. Your watch sees this and so can calculate what your heart rate is.

From the watch’s menu, you can control this function.

Disclaimer: The KUUS. watch cannot detect heart attack or disease.

KUUS. Knowledge base What is heart rate function and how does it work?
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